Friday 8 July 2011



Set up day is Friday July 8th at 9.30 a.m. Volunteers welcome!

The opening event is between 6.00 and 7.30 p.m. that same night. Our distinguished guest, who will officially open the exhibition and choose the winner of the Ted Mansell Award, will be Northern Counties Photographic Federation President Richard Spiers DPAGB, BPE2*. Richard is invariably an entertaining speaker and will do the honours at around 7.00 p.m. All members and their guests are invited and there will be guests from other clubs around the Northern Federation as well. Get there as early as you can and enjoy seeing the prints in the beautiful setting of the Galilee Chapel.

During the two weeks of the exhibition, there is a rota of members doing the stewarding in two hour shifts. This enjoyable experience includes talking to visitors from all over the world about the club and the work on display. Please check your diary and put your name down on the list.

DPS exhibition goes up in the Galilee Chapel


DPS members have photographed the Big Meeting since the 50’s. Current member, Hon Vice President Robin Wallace since Harold Wilson was Prime Minister, and many others for many years. Once again, members will be out in force for this colourful and exciting event. Some highlights include two of the Chilean Miners (expected to appear on the balcony and speaker platform, Kathryn Tickell with the Trimdon Concert Band and the 50 strong marching band from Ohio with the Bowburn banner. There will be 7 new banners dedicated in the cathedral and two others commemorated.

… and more, much, much more … the streets, Racecourse, cathedral will be alive to the amazing sights and sounds of the bands, the banners and the people. It’s the documentary event of the year.

Enjoy with your fellow members. If new to the Gala, ask the old hands for tips re vantage points etc. On the day you are bound to come across other members, particularly around County Hotel, Racecourse, Market Place, Magdalen Steps, Palace Green and in the connecting streets, and help is on hand if you need it

Members wanting to photograph inside the cathedral during the service can only do so if agreed with John Attle who has a limited number of places. We are grateful for the support of the Cathedral and the Durham Miners Association.


A display of DPS members’ photography on the theme, “Brilliance of Brass”, including some images previously shown in The Sage Gateshead, is on display in the Durham Town Hall entrance gallery during the month of July.

This co-incides with BRASS Durham International Festival which is now on and continues to the 17th.

There will be photography opportunities galore during the festival, not least during the Streets of Brass weekend, Friday 15th July (evening), Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July.

Next up, for the month of August, will be an exhibition of members’ images depicting the architecture and landscapes of Durham City. More on this to follow.



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