Wednesday 26 May 2010

Cathedral Photography Evening - 1st June 2010

Are you interested in photography and would you like to spend an evening inside the Cathedral with your camera? If so, come along to our special photography evening on 1st June 2010 from 6.30pm to 9pm.

Tickets are £10.00 per camera which will include a cup of tea or coffee from the Undercroft Restaurant. The restaurant will be open throughout the event for refreshments and light meals.

Weather permitting, the Tower will be open, though there is an additional charge of £5.00 for adults and £2.50 for children to climb the Tower.

No flash is permitted in the Cathedral but tripods are welcome.

All photography taken on the day is for non-commercial use only and must not be used for any purpose other than personal use.

To attend, please complete a booking form and return it to Diane McIlroy at the Chapter Office. This event will be repeated during July. Cheques should be made payable to Durham Cathedral.


  1. Hello,
    I am curious about the non-commercial use. I wonder how could this be enforced after the images have been allowed.

  2. Hi Marco,
    That is up to the Cathedral authorities. The involvement of our members is to offer
    any technical advice that may be required.
