Assignment Redcar Races
Saturday 23rd June. It’s Ladies Day and the first Race is 2.15 pm. Gates open at 12 noon. Colin Challenge is “Triptych”. There will be a follow up session to view and discuss prints from the day.
Next Week June 28th, Print and PDI Knockout
A fun night! No judges, the members decide by popular vote. Simply bring along up to 4 prints maximum size A4 including any mount. Up to 4 digital images can also be entered in the PDI section. NB maximum width must be 1024 pixels, maximum height 768 pixels (not as previously stated) and sRGB colour space. You can bring in on memory stick on the night or email to Roger well in time for the night. NB Must be new work previously unseen at the club or in Photo Forums etc
Annual Exhibition Prints Returned for Collection
NB A few will hopefully be also shown in the current Town Hall exhibition
Town Hall Exhibition
Sections will be shortly refreshed with new prints including Olympic Torch Relay in Durham pictures and, for a while, some other prints (Portraits and Durham) from the Annual
Following on there will be updated displays during the rest of June and July reflecting topical Durham life such as the Brass festival and Miners’ Gala. Future Blogs will keep you updated
Members Night 12th July
It’ll be good! As well as presentations by fellow members showing and talking about their work, members are invited to bring along their self-published photography books for perusal in the breaks.
Members AV Night 26th July
Make sure Mavis has your AV(s) on disc in plenty of time
David Trout, who chaired the Competition Review group for the committee, has announced a major change in the way we organise our competitions. This includes the opportunity for members to influence the subjects of the six Trio competitions which can now change each year. Have your say by completing the Competitions pro-forma at the club.
NEW: Members’ Notice Board
Ever helpful, Help Desk has provided a notice board for members to post “For Sale”, “Equipment Wanted” notices, Help requests etc