With an unseasonably heavy fall of snow across most of east and central Co Durham it seemed madness to set off for the upper reaches of Teesdale where conditions can surely only be worse. However, it cannot be said that we do not have plenty of mad, sorry intrepid members. So it was that a goodly number turned up at the appointed hour, properly kitted out (some had Nikons too) only to encounter the balmiest of conditions. Just above freezing and bright sunshine.
Working upstream towards Gibson’s Cave proved rewarding and many an hour was spent capturing the glory of the autumn colours and light. It was fascinating to observe the sheer skill sets openly on display. People were using ND filters and 10 stoppers! And even varying shutter speeds! The Pres was heard to say, “This has been an education”. More delights abounded at Low Force and further afield.
As always, there was conviviality and friendly banter but also, outsiders may find this hard to understand, generous sharing of knowledge. Competitive elements did creep in when it came to the wily Colin’s Challenge which was Red and Green. Luckily the French ambassador, Lilian, who wondered for a while why cameras seemed to be pointing surreptitiously in his direction, had turned up in a stylish jacket satisfyingly red, very red, in colour.
Altogether it was a great day out. Everyone looks forward to the follow up session when we will see what has been created. The only certainty is there will be some great photography and few pictures looking the same.