Sunday, 4 March 2012

News: DPS Exhibition now on at Botanic Garden

Durham Photographic Society’s latest exhibition of prints is now on in the cafe of Durham University Botanic Garden. The exhibition is on until March 30th and the Garden is open from 10.00 a.m each day. Entrance to the cafe is free and there is a small charge to go into the beautiful Garden itself.

A small army of volunteers made short work of hanging the framed prints. Exhibition organiser Don Bennett DPAGB, who is an Hon Life Vice President of the Society, said, “There has been a good relationship between ourselves and Botanic Garden for many years and we are very pleased to be back, this time for a longer period. 48 members of the Society have prints on show and there is a wonderful diversity of images. I hope visitors enjoy both the photography and the Garden”


Teamwork! Time for a tea break Don Bennett with Blue Sage by Christopher Mills

            'Eastern Delight'____Barry Armitage 'Loch Ba, Midwinter'_______Alex Ellwood' 'Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly'______Margaret Etherington

           'Study in Monochrome'____________John Coggan

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